Scammers keep developing new tricks to try to snag money from users; the newer forms of tricks involve the use of ransomware. Follow these steps to help stop those scammers!

Scammers keep developing new tricks to try to snag money from users; the newer forms of tricks involve the use of ransomware. The scammers will infect vulnerable machines through the use of a computer virus, which will lock your computer and files and demand a payment for its release. These forms of viruses will also try to coerce users into paying a false fine by mimicking local police or security services. Follow these steps to help stop those scammers!
Identify the Scam. No legitimate law enforcement agency will inform users of illicit activities through a pop-up window and demand a payment over the Internet. Regularly back up your computer. This will give you the ability restore your computer without losing all your valuable information.
Use anti-virus tools or bring your computer to a computer specialist to remove the virus.
Do not make any payments. There's no guarantee that the cyber criminals will actually unlock your computer.
Report the complaint to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) at
For more information, please visit: MS-ISAC Monthly Newsletter Tips -- Safeguarding Your Data US-CERT Cyber Security Tips -- Safeguarding Your Data National Webcasts FBI- New Internet Scam: Ransomware